Linux quick text paste
Linux quick text paste

linux quick text paste

Press Win + V (or Ctrl + W on Windows 10.1709 ) to paste in purified text.Press Ctrl + 1 to Ctrl + 0 to switch between the ten clipboards.As usual, press Ctrl + V to paste from the current clipboard.As usual, press Ctrl + C to copy to the current clipboard.Send/receive text clipboard to/from your Android device using Android TenClips Companion.

linux quick text paste

Keyboard shortcut to open the View All window.Drag/drop text file in edition window (Shift key to add text).Simple text search in clipboard text editor.Suspend sleeping of computer and screensaver.Ctrl + Del and Ctrl + Back in Edit Clipboard Text window to remove character in every line.Convert HTML clipboard format to HTML text code and vice versa.Paste tree of directories without their files.Different actions on a list of files contained in the clipboard.Remove (and count) duplicate lines of pure text.Sort, trim or join pure text lines ( see all conversion possibilities).Split clipboard text, at each line, into the different TenClips clipboards.Direct pure text printing and saving from the Edit Clipboard Text window.Edit Clipboard Text window handles longer texts, and displays them in monospace font.New versions from 2.1 adds following features: It replaces the traditional paste/cut in Notepad to remove text formatting. TenClips is also for you if, for instance, you want to copy some text from a web page or a document and paste it as simple text into another application without getting all the formatting from the original source. The content of the ten clipboards can be saved to a file and restored for later use. You can keep up to 10 different objects, and easily switch between them. It has been particularly designed for developers, which very often copy/paste lots of snippets and small portions of code. There is no superfluous window or manipulation. Inspired by "Multiple Clipboards", "PureText", "PowerMenu" and "Cop圜at" and improved for personal needs, TenClips is a lightweight and must have multiple clipboards for software developers.

Linux quick text paste